Wednesday, August 21, 2013

我醒悟。。所以我减肥!! (二)


每天每餐尽量做到有vege, protein, fruits, carbo 就对啦!!

Day One (14/08/2013) wed~               Day Two(15/08/2013)thurs~
b/fast:                                                       b/fast:
skyflakes 饼干 x 3 片                               water boil potato x 1
                                                                  hard boil egg x 1 
lunch:                                                    lunch:
小白菜                                                      cold tofu with chili
牛番茄                                                      tuna in water x 2tbls
tuna in water x 2tbls                                 cucumber x 1
crisp bread x 2                                          mushroom x 2tbls
苹果x1                                                      crisp bread x2
                                                                  kiwi x1
high tea:                                                high tea:
skyflakes 饼干x 3                                     skyflakes 饼干x 3                          

dinner:                                                   dinner:
汤-                                                             汤-
金针菇                                                      小白菜
蛋花                                                          蛋花
菠菜                                                          冬菜
冬粉                                                          crab stick x2
kiwi x 1                                                     冬粉
                                                                  dried mushroom x 4
                                                                  apple x 1

Day three (16/08/2013) fri~                Day four (1708/2013) sat ~
b/fast:                                                       b/fast:
water boil potato x 1                                 -skip-
hard boil egg x 1                                                            

lunch:                                                       lunch:
毛豆                                                          lady fingers x 4 with garlic n chili
egg x1                                                       jagung x 1
jagung x 1                                                 苟己菜+ 鱼圆x4 +江鱼仔汤
apple x 1                                                   apple x 1

high tea:                                                dinner:
skyflakes 饼干x 3                                     tofu+江鱼仔+咸菜+鱼圆
汤-                                                             Day five (1708/2013) sun~
苋菜                                                          开斋!! holiday!!
mushroom x2
sausage x2

kiwi x 1                                          就这样五天后-减了2公斤!!!


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